Margherita, Restaurants and cafés, Beirut
© Rami Hajj
  • Restaurants | Italian
  • price 2 of 4
  • Gemmayzeh



Time Out says

Operating from a number of different locations in the city, Margherita has a well-established rep for friendly service and tasty pizzas, which it's been gradually cultivating ever since the first branch opened its doors in Naples in 1959. Its claim to offer bona fide Neapolitan food therefore comes with a ring of truth, and there's something reassuringly honest in the plain wooden furnishings and red-and-white chequered tablecloths.

The original branch in Gemmayzeh is perhaps the most convivial of the lot, and the pizzas, which are fired up in the faintly sci-fi wood oven that dominates the venue, are as good as anywhere (the mushroom prosciutto is our pick of the menu). But just as there's more to Naples than pizza, so is there more to Margherita: they offer a wide variety of pastas and other Italian classics. And as if that's not enough, the restaurant has a novel trick up its sleeve. Your bill arrives with a wicker basket full of numbers – guess the number the waiter pulls out, and the meal is on the house!


Gouraud Street
Meal for two with drinks LL80,000
Opening hours:
Daily 12.30pm-midnight
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