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Hand Drawn Presents: The Unofficial Hdratx Showcase 2015


Time Out says

Hand Drawn Records announces second annual unofficial showcase at Brass House, March 20 & 21, 2015, running during Austin's famed music week. #HDRATX No wristband, no cover. Two days, 40 bands. DAY 1: Richard Gilbert (Fort Worth, TX) 2:20-2:50p (JAZZ ROOM) WILSEN (New York, NY) 2-2:40p (BALLROOM) Jonathan Jeter (Greenville, TX) 3:20-3:50p (JAZZ ROOM) Kristin Diable (New Orleans, LA) 3-3:40p (BALLROOM) Cory Patrick Coleman (Denton, TX) 4:20-5p (JAZZ ROOM) Fogg (Fort Worth, TX) 4-4:40p (BALLROOM) Very Americans (Harrisburg, PA) 5:20-6p (JAZZ ROOM) Criminal Birds (Denton, TX) 5-5:40p (BALLROOM) The Living Strange (Los Angeles, CA) 6:20-7p (JAZZ ROOM) Robert Cody Maxwell and The Gentlemen Vain (Dallas, TX) 6-6:40p (BALLROOM) Moon Waves (Dallas, TX) 7:20-8p (JAZZ ROOM) Andrew Tinker (Denton, TX) 7-7:40p (BALLROOM) Reagan James (Burleson, TX) 8:20-9p (JAZZ ROOM) Brandon Callies Band (Austin, TX) 8-8:40p (BALLROOM) The Roomsounds (Dallas, TX) 9:20-10p (JAZZ ROOM) The Birds of Night (Denton, TX) 9-9:40p (BALLROOM) Sealion (Dallas, TX) 10:20-11p (JAZZ ROOM) Amber Farris & friends (Nashville, TN) 10-10:40p (BALLROOM) Angela Perley & the Howlin' Moons (Columbus, OH) 11:20-12:20a (JAZZ ROOM) Bad Mountain (Fort Worth, TX) 11-12:00a (BALLROOM) Jefferson Colby (Fort Worth, TX) 12:40-1:40a (JAZZ ROOM) Son Of Swan (Dallas, TX) 12:20-1:20a (BALLROOM) -- DAY 2: Matt Dunn (Dallas, TX) 2:20-2:50p (JAZZ ROOM) Forever & Everest (Denton, TX) 2-2:40p (BALLROOM) Whiskey Sour (Dallas, TX) 3:20-4p (JAZZ ROOM) Mammoth King (Dallas, TX) 3-3:40p (BALLROOM) Bird Meets Winter (Denton, TX) 4:20-5p (JAZZ ROOM) Dead Mockingbirds (Dallas, TX) 4-4:40p (BALLROOM) I Am Blox (Dallas, TX) 5:20-6p (JAZZ ROOM) Matthew And The Arrogant Sea (Denton, TX) 5-5:40p (BALLROOM) Bravo, Max! (Dallas, TX) 6:20-7p (JAZZ ROOM) My Body Sings Electric (Denver, CO) 6-6:40p (BALLROOM) Nick & Paige (Austin, TX) 7:20-8p (JAZZ ROOM) Daniel Markham (Denton, TX) 7-7:40p (BALLROOM) Northern National (Dallas, TX) 8:20-9p (JAZZ ROOM) Exit 380 (Fort Worth, TX) 8-8:40p (BALLROOM) Un Chien (Fort Worth, TX) 9:20-10p (JAZZ ROOM) The Stateboro Revue (Austin, TX) 9-9:40p (BALLROOM) The Screaming Thieves (Austin, TX) 10:20-11p (JAZZ ROOM) The Orange (Dallas, TX) 10-10:40p (BALLROOM) Goodnight Ned (Dallas, TX) 11:20-12:20a (JAZZ ROOM) AMZY (Denver, CO) 11-12:00a (BALLROOM) Catastica (Austin, TX) 12:40-1:40a (JAZZ ROOM) Party Static (Dallas, TX) 12:20-1:20a (BALLROOM) MORE INFO:


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