Bodega del Poblet
  • Restaurants
  • Dreta de l'Eixample

Bodega del Poblet


Time Out says

Though it’s right next to the Sagrada Família, the Bodega del Poblet has always resisted invasion. You won’t see many tourists in this bodega, which is run by the genial Pepe, who is a mine of great stories, which he’ll start recounting you no sooner than you’ve crossed the threshold. The dining room at the back is like a homage to the Republic, with its exhibition of posters and the bottles and soda siphons all lined up on parade. An exhibition that’s only interrupted by a TV screen. On Sunday evenings, it’s a great place to meet up with your neighbours to watch the football.


Sardenya, 302
Eixample Dret
Sagrada Família (M: L2,L5)
Opening hours:
Open till 10.30pm.
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