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Five minute photos - the canals

Rob Martin
Written by
Rob Martin

Got an eye for a good image? Gone are the days when you had to cart around a box brownie or a Kodac Instamatic to get a decent  shot - now we can all do it on our phones and still get excellent results.

Well here's a simple idea for when you're next out walking and something catches your eye. You take five photos in the space of five minutes. Easy! Why not have a go yourself and see what you come up with?

Here are five from a short stroll along the city centre stretch of the canals. 

Where will you take your five minute photos? We'll be posting ours on Facebook.

Canal boats

Canal boat bumper


Water at the locks


Sunlight reflecting off the canal

Under the bridge

Under the bridge

Old and new

The old and the new

See more images of Manchester

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