Case Studies: Samsung 'Share Your Now'



Case Study: Samsung 'Share Your Now'

The Brief

For the launch of the Galaxy Camera Samsung wanted to showcase the camera's unique features, especially the sharing functionality. This would be the first camera which enabled users to share their photos instantly on social media. So the brief was to deliver a campaign which energised the audience to share their most creative work.

Why Time Out?

We know our audience really well. We know that they're a pretty creative bunch at the best of times. And we also know that they're incredibly passionate about the city in which they live. Time Out is unique in that it has a strong, emotive relationship with its audience. A sort of Time Out 'community' exists, which actively engages, creates, and shares content allowing for a genuine two-way relationship, rarely seen with other media channels. 

What we did

With connectivity and sharing at the core of the campaign, an engagement-focused creative campaign was essential. A photo competition seemed the natural solution, but this needed to be done as innovatively as possible. Tapping into the passion of the audience was vital, so we added another element to the campaign which would challenge readers in both London and New York. Proving your city is the best through the medium of photography became the creative hook as Time Out London would take on Time Out New York.   

A bespoke microsite facilitated the user journey and allowed Time Out to fulfil the demands of running across two territories, communicate the funnctionality, and efficiently manage the logistics of the photo competition, and also allowed users to pull images from a number of sources (facebook, instagram etc.), imitating the cameras sources. Social functionality was integrated at every stage including posting, sharing and liking to users social media accounts which fed straight into a leader board of photos. 

The Results

Time Out not only exceeded Samsung’s engagement expectations but also surpassed all previous benchmarks. An incredible 15,304 photos were uploaded during the campaign with London achieving almost two thirds. This was 3 times the KPI Samsung required. Time Out garnered 68,439 visitors to the microsite, which was 2 and a half times the expected number. 

Social media results are a strong indicator of engagement; 32.4% of all traffic came directly from this channel. The campaign achieved almost 11,000 direct interactions with the content via social media, far exceeding any commercial campaign of a similar scale.
