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The C Ooompound Presents: House Show #3! Featuring Dripping Wet, Prism Cloud, Bare Mountain, Joshua Luttrull, & Kent Evans


Time Out says

You all keep showing us love by showing up and we'll keep reciprocating by opening our doors to you for some more bangin' shows for FREE. This is the last one we're hosting for around a month, so we're starting our brief hiatus off with a bang thanks to these radass acts: *9:30 - Joshua Luttrull & Friends (punk/rock) *10:00 - Prism Cloud (rock/pop) *10:40 - Dripping Wet (dreamy pop) *11:20 - bare mountain (psychedelic/experimental) *Midnight - Kent Evans (ambient/experimental) Show is BYOB, 18+ to enter, and 21+ to drink. We're currently working on a method to keep these things a little more secret, so we won't be posting the address until the night of the show. Things were a little wild last time around, but that's to be expected. We just want to keep the house in good condition so that we can keep these shows poppin' off. Anyways, here are a few guidelines to being a guest in the house: - Although these shows are free and will continue to be, we will have a donations jar out so that, if you feel so obliged, you can help compensate the performers and help us get a cleaning fund. Donations are definitely not required, but always appreciated. -No lounging in the back yard unless you are actively smoking a cigarette. We had the cops called last time because of the noise of the people outside. I know it makes us sound like assholes, but go inside if you're not in the middle of a cigarette. Your ability to lounge outside is absolutely not worth the cost of a noise violation ticket. -ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING CIGARETTES IN THE GARAGE. If you see someone smoking a cig in the garage, please tell them to go to the backyard. We don't want our furniture smelling like cigarettes. -We'll have plastic cups so we ask that you please don't use our glasses. -Finally, we ask that you please DO NOT park on Venetian Way. We live directly across the street from Citation Dr, which is where we would like you to park.


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