Man-made chickens, Eraserhead (1977)

Let’s set the scene:
Henry Spencer is invited to dinner with his girlfriend’s folks. Nothing weird about that, you might say, but you haven’t met this bunch: Grandma sits in the corner angrily chain-smoking, Mom gibbers like a religious nutcase, and Dad brings out a dish of roast fowl that may not be entirely deceased.

What puts this in a freaky league of its own:
everything. Like Henry, we can only stare in horror as the miniature “man-made” chickens begin to pulsate and twitch, leaking oily blood across pristine china plates.—TH

The 10 weirdest David Lynch moments

Take a tour of some choice bizarritude, courtesy of the director who knows best

From his midnight-hour 1977 debut Eraserhead through 2006’s head-scratcher Inland Empire (and, we hope, for a long time to come), David Lynch has cornered the market on atmospheric strangeness. These ten scenes are the ones in which the director allowed himself to be most unhinged. Warning: If you watch these clips in chronological order, we can’t vouch for what could happen to your sanity.
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