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What's your Chinese Zodiac sign and what does it mean?

Rob Martin
Written by
Rob Martin

It's the year of the ram (or, if you're feeling sheepish, sheep), and it won't be back again until 2027. Find out what your Chinese Zodiac sign is and what it says about you, and check out whats happening over the weekend to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Sign: Rat
Element: water
What are you like?
The quick-witted rat is intelligent and charming, tending towards the artistic. You are adaptable which makes you extremely sociable.

Sign: Ox
Element: earth
What are you like?
As you might expect, the strong and determined Ox is a steady beast, always to be relied upon to be thorough, reasonable and loyal.

Sign: Tiger
Element: wood
What are you like?
The confident tiger is full of courage and confidence, making you an ideal leader. You are charismatic and ambitious.

Sign: Rabbit
Element: wood
What are you like?
You are modest and trustworthy. You empathise with people, appreciate diplomacy and your sincerity makes you one of the most caring of the zodiac signs.

Sign: Dragon
Element: earth
What are you like?
The fire in this dragon is imaginative and artistic, eccentric even, making you charismatic, lucky, flexible and, in your quieter moments, spiritual.

Sign: Snake
Element: fire
What are you like?
Elegant snakes are decisive, attentive and you follow your intuition. You are philosophical and organised.

Sign: Horse
Element: fire
What are you like?
The intelligent horse is a loyal animal, full of courage, ambition and strength, making you one of the most adventurous of the signs.

Sign: Ram or Sheep
Element: earth
What are you like?
The crafty ram is a warm animal, full of charm, taste and elegance. You can be a sensitive and calming influence. But you're still crafty...

Sign: Monkey
Element: metal
What are you like?
Monkey's are smart, bright, lucky and lively. You are versatile which makes you quick to adapt and you have a sharp wit.

Sign: Rooster
Element: metal
What are you like?
The confident rooster is honest and intelligent. You can display your feathers with moments of energetic flamboyance, but you are also flexible and diverse in your characteristics.

Sign: Dog
Element: earth
What are you like?
Dogs are loyal above all, very sociable, courageous and diligent. You are lively, adaptable, smart and steady, someone who others rely on.

Sign: Boar
Element: water
What are you like?
Sociable boars are honourable beasts. Your strength lies in your determination, sincerity and optimism, a trait which also gives the boar a philanthropic bent.

So there you go - now you know what you're like!

Find out what's happening in this weekend Manchester for Chinese New Year.

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