99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film
99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film
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99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film: movie review

3 out of 5 stars

Time Out says

They come not to bury OWS but to praise it: Compiling footage shot by 100 amateur filmmakers, Aaron Aites and Audrey Ewell’s crowdsourced time capsule is both a media corrective and a memorial for the radical political collective-cum-movement, from subversive flash-mob sit-in at Zuccotti Park to copycat demonstrations all over the world. The doc presents a contextual foundation and the testimonials of Occupiers from various walks of life, connected only by their anger; it’s also remarkably fragmented, tangential and all over the place, which may make it the ideal vehicle for portraying the OWS experience. Criticism is kept to a bare minimum (though bless you, Naomi Wolf, for calling bullshit on the notion of them achieving “victory”) in favor of back-patting, but until someone delivers the definitive 360-degree chronicle on the populist uprising, this collection of dispatches from the front is the best primer you could hope for.

Follow David Fear on Twitter: @davidlfear

Release Details

  • Duration:97 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:Aaron Aites, Audrey Ewell
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