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A Broken Sole

3 out of 5 stars

Time Out says

Screenwriter Susan Charlotte evokes the psychic scars of the WTC attacks in a trio of loosely connected, two-character pieces: On September 11, a pushy film professor (Light) demands that a cranky shoemaker (Aiello) fix her “broken sole.” Subsequently, a neurotic cabbie counsels a harried fare, and two near strangers—a dyslexic director hung up on palindromes and a struggling middle-aged actress—stumble through an awkward morning-after. The metaphors are obvious, and three schematic, stagy one-act plays don’t equal a cohesive drama, but there’s no dearth of talking points.

Cast and crew

  • Director:Antony Marsellis
  • Screenwriter:Susan Charlotte
  • Cast:
    • Danny Aiello
    • Judith Light
    • Bob Dishy
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