Cuba Libre – Velocipedi ai Tropici

  • Film

Time Out says

This putative update of Bicycle Thieves is full of rambling but seductive incident. It focuses on the arrival in Havana of a plane load of Italians: a venal promo director seeking revolutionary posters and poverty as a backdrop to shoe commercials; a bossy 'capitalist' setting up a restaurant; a self-obsessed 50-year-old poet forever declaiming his verse from the rooftops; a student come to research Zavattini's Cuban period, who fails to notice a real-life version of the De Sica tale re-run before his eyes. Writer/director Riondino, who also stars, may not turn tourist clichés about Cuba on their heads, but he leads them a merry, salsa seasoned dance.

Release Details

  • Duration:88 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:David Riondino
  • Screenwriter:David Riondino, Roberto Duiz, Francesco Bruni, Paolo Virzi
  • Cast:
    • David Riondino
    • Sabina Guzzanti
    • Antonio Catania
    • Dario Cassini
    • Bjliana Bosniakovic
    • Remo Remotti
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