• Film

Darkness in Tallinn


Time Out says

This ultra-black comedy by Finnish film-maker Järvilaturi is an unexpected joy. It begins, almost disconcertingly, with Estonia's newly re-established independence being marked by a secret gathering of criminals, who plan to nab the country's massive bullion reserves when they're brought from Paris back to Tallinn. Thus is Toivo (Uukkivi), a small-time caviar smuggler and electrician, advised by his very pregnant wife Maria (Gulbe) to abandon ideals for the promise of money, brought in on a daring night hold-up. True to form, the scheme hits the skids with in-fighting among the ill-matched hoods. Ingeniously written (by Paul Kolsby), tautly paced with b/w photography that never fails to surprise, this is noir at its blackest. The characters, too, are pleasingly quirky, but never contrived. A funny, suspenseful heist movie with a properly sharp moral/political edge.

Release Details

  • Duration:99 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:Ilkka Järvilaturi
  • Screenwriter:Paul Kolsby
  • Cast:
    • Ivo Uukkivi
    • Milena Gulbe
    • Monika Mäger
    • Enn Klooren
    • Väinö Laes
    • Yuri Järvet
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