Dealin' with Idiots
Dealin' with Idiots
  • Film

Dealin' with Idiots: movie review


Time Out says

Essentially an overlong, off-brand episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Jeff Garlin’s latest behind-the-camera endeavor starts at the Little League bleachers, where parents are at their least admirable. One dad (Steve Agee) yells obscenities at players and umps alike; a mom (Jami Gertz) passive-aggressively hands out healthy snack recipes and solicits donations. When a comedian (Jeff Garlin) follows them home, doing research for the movie we’re watching, matters get downright creepy. Beyond the fact-finding picaresque, there’s not much holding Dealin’ together beyond the thesis statement provided by the ghost of the comic’s father (Timothy Olyphant): “You’re all so involved,” he says with baffled disapproval. With parents like these, kids could use a little distance.

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Release Details

  • Duration:86 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:Jeff Garlin
  • Cast:
    • Jeff Garlin
    • Richard Kind
    • Timothy Olyphant
    • Steve Agee
    • Gina Gershon
    • Jami Gertz
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