• Film

Death in Gaza


Time Out says

In the hierarchies of violence, state terror squats in the sniper's tower, soiling all it looks on and affects. It removes any source of petition on the part of the aggrieved citizen, since the structure itself is the aggressor. So it seems to be now in 2004 in Israel - an administration militarily fascist and breeding incalculable hurt and anger in response. Thus the urgent need for witness. Thus this film, for which cameraman James Miller gave his life - shot, on 2 May 2003, through the neck by an Israeli soldier in what appears to have been as targeted an assassination as any recently. It explores the lost childhoods of the Palestinians with a profound humanity. Caught between the gunships of the Israelis and the urge to martyrdom of the militias, they are old, and often dead, before their time.
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