Beautifully simple and simply beautiful, this unexpectedly joyous documentary tracks ten years in the life of Selvi, a young South Indian woman who has dragged herself free of hardship and horror by sheer force of will. Married at 14 to a man who beat her and hired her out to be raped by his friends, Selvi ran away to a local girls’ shelter. It’s here that we first meet her, at age 18, shell-shocked but still fighting, and learning to drive.
Through sensitive but probing interviews and footage of Selvi’s day-to-day life, Canadian director Elisa Paloschi makes us feel privileged to share the experiences of this courageous, principled and utterly charismatic young woman.
Time Out says
Release Details
- Release date:Friday 7 October 2016
- Duration:72 mins
Cast and crew
- Director:Elisa Paloschi
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