• Film

Fourth Floor


Time Out says

On the fourth floor of a hospital somewhere in Spain, the pubescent male cancer patients known as los pelones (the baldies) race wheelchairs, passionately discuss football, fondly irritate the nurses, and generally behave as 3-D posters for the unbreakable human spirit. It comes as no surprise that Disney is the parent distributor of Mercero's benign but bathetic serio-comedy, which hinges on the assimilation of a new kid into the cancer ward's micro-community. Events unfold as an episodic, painfully trite series of pranks, confrontations, flirtations and epiphanies, lathered with a mawkish score and some obnoxiously winsome mugging from the young cast. JWin.

Release Details

  • Duration:100 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:Antonio Mercero
  • Screenwriter:Albert Espinosa, Antonio Mercero, Ignacio del Moral
  • Cast:
    • Juan José Ballesta
    • Luis Ángel Priego
    • Gorka Moreno
    • Alejandro Zafra
    • Marco Martinez
    • Mikel Albisu
    • Monti Castiñeiras
    • Miguel Foronda
    • Elvira Lindo
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