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Gypsy Caravan

4 out of 5 stars

Time Out says

Cheesily florid title graphics and breakneck pacing notwithstanding, this chronicle of a Gypsy-music package tour is a powerful rejoinder to rock-doc navel-gazing. Stunning performance excerpts, ranging from Spanish flamenco to Indian raga, demonstrate that keening brass choirs are just one aspect of the Gypsy sound. But the richness of this far-flung and often persecuted diaspora really hits home when director Jasmine Dellal ventures behind the music: The diverse tales of Macedonian diva Esma Redzepova, cross-dressing Indian dancer Harish Kumar and other sui generis artists add up to a moving portrait of cultural pride. (Opens Fri; Click here for venues.)—Hank Shteamer

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