Reconstructing the trial that followed a 1980 direct action against a General Electric nuclear weapons facility (the title refers to the name of the plant), this has the 'Plowshares Eight' (Daniel and Philip Berrigan, et al) as their eloquent selves, and Martin Sheen in excellent greasy form as the judge. With all the structural advantages of a courtroom drama, it's a wonderful vehicle for the radical Christian anti-nuclear message, and as agitprop it's far superior to even well-done preaching-to-the-converted documentaries such as Dark Circle. An intense, low-key production, which itself shows up the flashy decontextualising of Atomic Cafe, it ranges from Nagasaki survivors, through neighbours of a plutonium plant, to the fiasco of Diablo, the nuclear plant described as 'the most analysed building in the world', which at the last minute turned out to have been built back to front.
- Director:Emile de Antonio
- Screenwriter:Emile de Antonio
- Cast:
- Martin Sheen
- John Randolph Jones
- Richard Sisk
- George Tynan
- John Connelly
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