• Film



Time Out says

Made for around $20,000 as a graduation project at Osaka Art College, Kumakiri's 16mm feature shows the remnants of a left wing activist group holed up in an abandoned country house around 1970. Its leader has been arrested and imprisoned. When word comes that he has killed himself in jail, his girlfriend Masami (Mikami) goes berserk. Convinced that the group harbours a traitor, she goes on a killing spree, spreading psychosis all around. Much splatter ensues. As a comment on the student radicalism of the past, this is childish and risible. As a homemade rerun of The Evil Dead with inner demons replacing ancient Sumerians, it's not that bad.

Release Details

  • Duration:112 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:Kazuyoshi Kumakiri
  • Screenwriter:Kazuyoshi Kumakiri
  • Cast:
    • Sumiko Mikami
    • Shunsuke Sawada
    • Shigeru Bokuda
    • Toshiyuki Sugihara
    • Kentaro Ogiso
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