Melanie Laurent in La Rafle
Melanie Laurent in La Rafle
  • Film

La Rafle


Time Out says

Dramatizing the French collaborationist government’s 1942 Vel’ d’Hiv roundup of thousands of Jews, filmmaker Rose Bosch’s wartime soap opera aims to simultaneously diminish and enlarge a historical tragedy. Actors portraying Hitler and Pétain provide some larger context, even as the film focuses on the stories of a defiant Jewish communist (Gad Elmaleh), a doctor (Jean Reno) and a selfless gentile nurse (Mélanie Laurent). But while La Rafle attempts to add elements of harsh, unblinking reality to its narrative twists (an old woman treated roughly, kids digging in a shit-filled latrine for hidden money), the movie succeeds in generating only mild outrage, tempered by impeccable tastefulness and the safe distance of time.

Follow Andrew Schenker on Twitter: @aschenker

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