• Film

My Girl


Time Out says

It's 1972, and 11-year-old Vada (Chlumsky) lives with her dotty granny and widowed mortician father (Aykroyd) in a house which doubles as a funeral parlour. Daily contact with corpses has produced a very odd child, given to pranks around the caskets, hypochondria and death-obsession, but shy Thomas (Culkin) proves a true and tolerant friend. Their knockabouts won't last forever, though: cosmetologist Shelly (Curtis) arrives to divide Dad's affections, and Vada experiences her first period, a make-up session, and bereavement... Zieff's direction is uninspired, but the film is considerably redeemed by screenwriter Laurice Elehwany's dark humour. Chlumsky gives a lively performance, which is more than can be said for Culkin.

Release Details

  • Duration:102 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:Howard Zieff
  • Screenwriter:Laurice Elehwany
  • Cast:
    • Dan Aykroyd
    • Jamie Lee Curtis
    • Macaulay Culkin
    • Anna Chlumsky
    • Richard Masur
    • Griffin Dunne
    • Ann Nelson
    • Peter Michael Goetz
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