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A Norwegian thriller, and it ain't half bad. Actually, it's half pretty good, and the rest is average. Three sailors, who make a living doing less than legal things with their broken-down boat, are quite happy roaming the stormy Arctic seas until they stumble on a secret Russian surveillance post. Chaos ensues as the Russians discover them and try to kill them off, notably in a fine helicopter attack. Towards the end, the suspense drops a little as the film becomes more conventional, but the first hour is gripping, intelligent, and unusual, both in terms of characterisation and story. And the location shooting, predictably, is superb.
Release Details
Duration:103 mins
Cast and crew
Director:Ola Solum
Screenwriter:Richard Harris Harald Paalgard, Ola Solum
Helge Jordal
Sverre Anker Ousdal
Hans Ola Sørlie
Kjersti Holmen
Vidar Sandem
Nils Johnson
Jon Eikemo
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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