Sold as a sassy young British film ('lotta skirt, lotta geezers, lotta class...') with a passable compilation soundtrack, and directed/co-scripted by National Film School graduate Winsor, this comedy of adolescent errors and angst comes across as disappointingly arthritic. The plot - New Year's Eve jollities, expanded from a student short - seems too insubstantial for a full-length feature. It's impossible to sympathise or identify with this charmless assembly of wimps, vamps, wallflowers, fast flash womanisers, piss artists, comic bobbies, vicars, and - that ultimate figure of Carry On hilarity - the horny middle-aged male. You feel Winsor doesn't much like his desperate party people; and that, surely, is unforgivable.
- Director:Terry Winsor
- Screenwriter:Daniel Peacock, Terry Winsor
- Cast:
- Daniel Peacock
- Karl Howman
- Perry Fenwick
- Sean Chapman
- Phoebe Nicholls
- Gary Olsen
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