CRYSTAL BLUE PERSUASION Revelers crank it up.
CRYSTAL BLUE PERSUASION Revelers crank it up.
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Rock Bottom: Gay Men and Meth

3 out of 5 stars

Time Out says

“I remember the days when the bathhouses used to be fun and weren’t filled with people whacked-out on crystal,” rails one indignant drag queen in Jay Corcoran’s alarming, if too lean, doc. Seven men in various stages of addiction or recovery from tina recall losing jobs, punching boyfriends and bingeing on barebacking, while mental-health professionals attempt to elucidate the reasons behind such self-destructive behavior. If silence = meth, as posters in Chelsea remind us, then Corcoran’s film at least serves as an ice breaker. (Opens Fri; Quad.) — Melissa Anderson

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