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The Dead

3 out of 5 stars

Time Out says

Shot on location in Burkina Faso and Ghana by British commercials directors Howard and Jonathan Ford, this suspenseful, humane horror movie wears its knowledge of George Romero’s zombie movies on its rolled-up sleeve. However, it receives a rejuvenating shot in the arm from its sun-parched locations, eye-ravishing cinematography and freshly minted storyline.

Following an unexplained viral outbreak and the crash-landing of his escape plane into the sea, Lieutenant Brian Murphy (Rob Freeman) is forced to team up with local soldier Sgt Daniel Dembele (Prince David Oseia), negotiating hostile terrain and sporadic attacks by hungry, shambling flesh-eaters. As they travel towards a rumoured safe compound, where Daniel hopes to be reunited with his family, the two men’s uneasy alliance develops into a mutually respectful friendship. Gore hounds will relish the graphic flesh-ripping – and memorable images, such as a cycling zombie, leaven the apocalyptic horror with off-kilter humour.

Release Details

  • Rated:15
  • Release date:Friday 2 September 2011
  • Duration:105 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:Howard J Ford, Jon Ford
  • Screenwriter:Howard J Ford, Jon Ford
  • Cast:
    • Rob Freeman
    • Prince David Osei
    • Dan Morgan
    • David Dontoh
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