• Film

The Lisa Theory


Time Out says

A layabouts' movie - for layabouts even being a slacker takes too much energy - about half a dozen young dozos who share a cooperative flat. The 'theory' states that anyone named Jennifer needs a good leaving alone: a theory that seemingly applies to Lisa (Yates) who befriends Devon (Morf) then leaves him - rendering him catatonic for the rest of the movie. This is TV'sThe Young Ones as directed by Andy Warhol, with writer/director Okazaki anatomising their relationship in flashback. These naff punk rockers, pseudo-existentialists, and non-macho deadbrains don't impress Lisa, that's for sure. If it's hard to understand quite how false naive the director's stance is supposed to be, there's throw away intelligence here to spare, good observation, and a nice line in self-deprecating humour. Let's hope it's not autobiographical.

Release Details

  • Duration:80 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:Steven Okazaki
  • Screenwriter:Steven Okazaki
  • Cast:
    • Devon Morf
    • Honey O Yates
    • Avel Sosa II
    • Jim Matison
    • Mark Gorney
    • Bucky Sinister
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