• Film

They're Just My Friends


Time Out says

The long-winded story line and choppy edits of this film (based on a true story) are as disturbing as its obsession with primal man-on-man butt-whoopings. African-American boxer Punchin’ Pat, a.k.a. “Blackie” (Nwamu), befriends well-connected tough guys in rough Howard Beach until his involvement in their mafia gambling ring lands him in handcuffs. Though Pat remains loyal to the boys in the ’hood, threats from police detectives, biker gangs and his girlfriend’s racist ex-boyfriend force him to rely on the aid of the Freemasons for personal protection. Whether you gag or drag yourself through it, this laughable drama’s message of fraternal allegiance is remarkably ridiculous. (Opens Fri; Click here for venues.) — Cherie Dennis

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