• Film

This Is Not a Robbery


Time Out says

**** (Four stars)
This documentary tells the true story of J.L. Rountree, a Texas man who took to robbing banks in the final years of his life. A millionaire in his youth, Rountree lost his money in an ill-fated business venture and developed a hatred for banks when he was forced to declare bankruptcy. After suffering personal devastation over the deaths of his wife and stepson, not to mention dating a prostitute and dabbling in cocaine, Rountree eventually finds a new means of getting his rush: knocking over financial institutions. After his third capture in six short years, the Texas courts decided it was time to lock the elder thief up for good, and he died in prison. Though some interview segments with Rountree's friends are too drawn-out, the movie provides satisfying nuggets from his life story while recounting the exciting final heist planned by this unapologetic yet lovable antihero.—Evan Morgenstern, finance clerk

[This is a TONY staff review, written for the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival. It is not considered an official review and should not be read as such. Please think of it as a casual impression from a movie-loving friend.]

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