• Film

Time Stands Still


Time Out says

An impressive period film which portrays the life of college kids in late '50s Hungary. Dubbed by some Hungarian Graffiti, this is always much more than a movie about students getting high on Coke (the capitalist drink) and screwing around. Gothár uses historical footage, even patches of pathos and bathos and snatches of rock'n'roll, to probe the painful memories of a generation (his own) that grew up under the shadow of the 1956 'National Tragedy'. Awkward and elusive in parts, it's still a rewarding experience from a director to watch out for.

Release Details

  • Duration:99 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:Péter Gothár
  • Screenwriter:Géza Bereményi, Péter Gothar
  • Cast:
    • Istvàn Znamenàk
    • Henrik Pauer
    • Sàndor Söth
    • Péter Gálfy
    • Anikó Iván
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