• Film



Time Out says

When Denise Richards is cast as a virginal Ph.D. candidate and that isn't nearly the most ludicrous thing about a movie, you know you're in for a doozy. In the fictional segments of this stupefying blend of narrative and documentary, Richards considers prostitution as a means to pay her way through grad school in California. In the highly stylized and highly idiotic nonfiction sequences, European pimps, escorts and johns discuss the sex trade, often while disrobing for the camera. Neither a cautionary tale nor titillation, the excruciating Whore (Yo Puta) is for people who prefer pain to pleasure.

Release Details

  • Duration:90 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:María Lidón
  • Screenwriter:Adela Ibanez, Isabel Pisano
  • Cast:
    • Denise Richards
    • Daryl Hannah
    • Joaquim de Almeida
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