• Film

Younger & Younger


Time Out says

The title refers to the Glendale depository business run by anglophile fantasist Sutherland - or rather prematurely-aged wife Davidovich, until her premature death during one of her husband's many bouts of sexual infidelity. Wandering in and out of the warehouse concourses are a variety of odd-ball characters - ex-star ZigZag Lillian (Kellerman) and daughter Melody (Delpy) among them - who are regularly entertained by Younger Snr's 'encouragements' and his turns on the upstairs Wurlitzer. Adlon's film sees him paddling headlong down the wish-fulfilling pseudo-feminist day-glo painted creek he has made his home since moving from Germany to America with Bagdad Café. It ends in a kitsch dance duet sequence, sprinkled with broken glass stardust, that would make fans of Fellini stare at their toes with embarrassment.
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