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General Discussion Group Syriza, Podemos, And Anti Austerity In Europe


Time Out says

We hope you can join us for our next reading group session on Sunday, Feb. 8 at 5 p.m. We'll be discussing SYRIZA, Podemos, and Anti-Austerity in Europe. Here are the required readings: "Open letter to the German readers: That which you were never told about Greece" Alexis Tsipras, A short introduction to the current political climate by the leader of SYRIZA "Greece: Phase One" Sebastian Budgen and Stathis Kouvalakis, Jacobin An exhaustive account of the political history and trajectory of SYRIZA as told by a leading party intellectual (don't feel compelled to read this in its entirety, pick and choose which sections seem relevant). "SYRIZA: Marxism, populism and yes — Essex University," David Howarth, The Independent A short piece which considers the relationship between SYRIZA's relationship to social-movements and the party's commitment to radical democracy. "Now can Podemos win in Spain?" Renaud Lambert, Le Monde Diplomatique SYRIZA has a natural ally in Podemos but can the party pull off a major electoral victory? "Greek debt and a default of statesmanship" Martin Wolf, The Financial Times A pithy Keynesian approach to understanding the euro-crisis and the Greek debt. Additional Material: "The European Working Class in the Eurozone Crisis," Andreas Bieler and Roland Erne, Socialist Register This is a long piece but a great analysis of the Eurozone crisis from a socialist perspective by the good folks at Socialist Register. "Yanis Vaourfakis," Doug Henwood, Behind the News Henwood has put together excepts from some of his many interviews with Greek economist turned Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. SYRIZA's Official Platform A short read. Notice SYRIZA's stated commitment to building local and regional state infrastructure and to "deepening democracy" If you have any trouble accessing the readings or any other questions please email Liz at Feel free to stick around after the reading group for some DSA socializing time. We hope to see you there! Solidarity, Philly DSA


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