India-Jayne Trainor is a British-Australian writer based in London. She has written for titles including Forbes, Fodor’s, South China Morning Post and AFAR, covering travel, food and luxury hotels. Outside of writing, she can usually be found pursuing a passion for photography or scuba diving off tropical islands. 

India-Jayne Trainor

India-Jayne Trainor

Writer, Time Out Travel

Articles (7)

The 24 most underrated travel destinations in the world

The 24 most underrated travel destinations in the world

‘Overtourism’. It’s more than a buzzword – in the world’s most popular destinations, it’s a problem that affects almost every aspect of local life, from the environment to the cost of renting, transport and eating out. And when a place is overwhelmed by people, it’s not only locals’ quality of life that suffers; the quality of your holiday does, too.  But, with baby steps, it looks like things could be changing. Destinations like Italy and Japan are coming up with ways to redistribute tourism from densely crowded hotspots to lesser-visited regions. Among travellers, overtourism has given rise to the ‘destination dupes’ trend, where overrun holiday destinations are swapped out for less crowded, less expensive, but just-as-good alternatives.  On our newly updated list of the world’s most underrated travel destinations, you won’t find your Bangkoks or your Balis, your Amalfis or your Amsterdams. What you will find is a Yosemite dupe, Morocco’s overlooked neighbour, a place where penguins outnumber people, and plenty more travel inspo where that came from.Chosen by our network of expert editors and globetrotting travel writers, these overlooked spots offer great (or quiet) alternatives to the classics. And in many cases, they’re places that actually really want visitors. In other words, travelling to any of these 24 criminally overlooked destinations is a win-win situation. See you out there? RECOMMENDED: 🏰 The most underrated travel destinations in Europe🚞 12 ways to be a bett

The best places for solo female travel in 2024

The best places for solo female travel in 2024

Solo female travel is having a moment – according to a recent survey, over half of Gen Z women would consider travelling abroad alone. That means more women than ever are heading off to far-flung destinations in search of new friends, different cultures and memorable experiences. But where should they go, and what should they know?  A few countries are known to be relatively safe and easy to navigate for women looking for an adventure, with well-trodden backpacker routes, friendly locals and the chance to meet new people – or spend some good quality alone time. Here are nine of the best destinations for solo female travellers and good-to-know advice on how to stay safe. India-Jayne Trainor is a British-Australian travel writer based in London. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines and check out our latest travel guides written by local experts. RECOMMENDED:✹ The best places in the world to travel alone🏡 The most beautiful small towns in the world🌃 The best cities in the world

The 16 most beautiful small towns in the world

The 16 most beautiful small towns in the world

Visiting a country’s smaller towns and rural regions is the perfect way to get off the beaten path on holiday. These postcard-perfect spots are not only gorgeous to look at, but they also offer a chance to experience a different side to whichever country you’re visiting, and they’re mostly devoid of the crowds you’ll find in big cities. From quaint towns in the Swiss mountains to coastal communities in the USA and chocolate box villages in Japan, there are too many beautiful small towns around the world to visit in one lifetime, but that won’t stop us from trying.  India-Jayne Trainor is a British-Australian travel writer based in London. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines and check out our latest travel guides written by local experts. RECOMMENDED:🌎The best things to do in the world😍 The most beautiful places in the world🚞The most incredible train journeys around the worldđŸ–ŒïžThe best museums and galleries in the world

The 11 best places to go snorkelling in the world

The 11 best places to go snorkelling in the world

Exploring the fascinating world beneath the waves is a thrilling experience. And getting to see colourful marine life like tropical fish, turtles, dolphins and even whales isn’t solely reserved for those with a heavy scuba tank – anyone with a good quality snorkel can discover technicolour coral reefs and playful wildlife in some of the world’s most magical destinations. There are thousands of fantastic snorkelling spots worldwide, but with the rise of coral bleaching and warming oceans, a few unique locations stand out for having impossibly clear waters, healthy reef systems and thriving underwater life. Here are the best places in the world to glimpse these precious and priceless watery reef-scapes.  India-Jayne Trainor is a British-Australian travel writer based in London. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines and check out our latest travel guides written by local experts. RECOMMENDED: ☀ The best winter sun destinations🌍 The best things to do in the world🚂 The most incredible train journeys around the worldđŸ–ŒïžÂ The best museums and galleries in the worldđŸŒč The most romantic places in the world

The best affordable ski holidays in Europe

The best affordable ski holidays in Europe

Skiing has developed a reputation as an expensive pastime. It’s a hobby too often reserved for those who don’t flinch at the cost of a luxe resort in the Alps or Pyrenees – but luckily, there are hundreds of resorts dotted across Europe, and some of the most unexpected locations offer an affordable holiday on the slopes.Popular skiing destinations such as France, Austria and Italy don’t have to mean splashing out – dramatic mountainscapes and miles of runs can be enjoyed on a budget if you know where to look. Off-the-beaten track destinations such as Slovenia and Bulgaria also have more than their fair share of snowy landscapes perfect for snowsports, with fewer crowds and more pleasing prices.  All prices used reflect the 2024 ski season at the time of writing and may be subject to change.  India-Jayne Trainor is a British-Australian travel writer based in London. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines and check out our latest travel guides written by local experts. RECOMMENDED:  🇩đŸ‡č The best places to visit in the Austrian Alps🏰 The best city breaks in Europe☀ The best winter sun destinations🚞 The ultimate three-week Europe train itinerary

11 places in Europe that look nothing like Europe

11 places in Europe that look nothing like Europe

If you’re a Brit, Europe’s on your doorstep – but how much of the continent have you really explored? Many of us are guilty of heading to the same destinations again and again (no offence, Paris), saving up all our money and time off for big trips to far-flung destinations. But you don’t have to endure a long-haul flight to sunbathe on alabaster beaches, chase waterfalls and explore rainforest-covered islands. All of them can be found within Europe.  From the glaciers and fjords of Norway in the north to the hot southern Mediterranean coastline, Europe has it all, and taking a trip won’t even make much of a dent in your annual leave. So swap eleven-hour flights and a hit to your wallet with a short-haul trip to the deserts, lakes and mountains of Spain, Albania or Italy – we won’t tell if you don’t.  India-Jayne Trainor is a British-Australian travel writer based in London. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines and check out our latest travel guides written by local experts. RECOMMENDED: đŸ—ș The most underrated travel destinations in Europe🌃 The best city breaks in Europe🏝 The best alternative Mediterranean beach breaks

Where is hot in October?

Where is hot in October?

Unless you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, October probably conjures up thoughts of Halloween parties, roaring fires and pumpkin-spiced everything. By autumn, summer feels like a distant memory and everyone is in need of a holiday. If you’re not quite ready to dig out your warmest jumper, planning a half-term getaway or long weekend break in a hot country will quickly brighten things up. Selecting (in our opinion) only the very best destinations around the world that enjoy long, hot days in October, these are the places to head if you need a sunny beach escape, desert adventure or a cultural city trip. Keep that summer suitcase packed – it’s time for another holiday.  India-Jayne Trainor is a British-Australian travel writer based in London. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines and check out our latest travel guides written by local experts. RECOMMENDED:☀ The world’s best winter sun destinationsđŸ—ș The world’s most underrated travel destinations🏝 The best beaches on earth

News (2)

Los mejores lugares del mundo para viajar en solitario si eres una mujer este 2024

Los mejores lugares del mundo para viajar en solitario si eres una mujer este 2024

Viajar en solitario estĂĄ de moda. SegĂșn una reciente encuesta, mĂĄs de la mitad de las mujeres de la generaciĂłn Z se plantearĂ­an viajar solas al extranjero. Esto significa que cada vez son mĂĄs las que se dirigen a destinos lejanos en busca de nuevos amigos, culturas diferentes y experiencias memorables. Pero, ÂżdĂłnde deben ir y quĂ© deben saber? Se sabe que algunos paĂ­ses son relativamente seguros y fĂĄciles de explorar para las mujeres que buscan una aventura, con rutas de mochilas y gente local que facilita la oportunidad de conocer gente nueva o pasar un rato de calidad a solas. Hemos hecho una lista de nueve de los mejores destinos para mujeres que viajan solas y consejos Ăștiles sobre cĂłmo mantenerse segura. 1. Sri Lanka Foto: Sri Lanka La pequeña isla de Sri Lanka es como la India en miniatura, pero con su encanto Ășnico que la convierte en la primera parada perfecta para las mujeres viajeras que desean explorar el sur de Asia. Es popular entre los mochileros y tiene un tamaño perfecto para pasar una semana o un mes descubriendo parajes (que aparecen en las listas de patrimonio de la Unesco) como Dambulla y Sigiriya o visitando plantaciones de tĂ© en Nuwara Eliya. Para relajarse, las playas doradas de la bahĂ­a de Arugam, Mirissa y Hikkaduwa ofrecen albergues a muy buen precio frente a la playa, surf y comida local deliciosa. 2. Portugal Foto: Shutterstock Portugal se ha hecho un nombre como uno de los mejores destinos de viaje en solitario gracias a los nĂłmadas digitales q

Els millors llocs del mĂłn per viatjar en solitari si ets una dona aquest 2024

Els millors llocs del mĂłn per viatjar en solitari si ets una dona aquest 2024

Viatjar en solitari estĂ  de moda. Segons una enquesta recent, mĂ©s de la meitat de les dones de la generaciĂł Z es plantejarien viatjar soles a l'estranger. AixĂČ significa que cada cop sĂłn mĂ©s les que es dirigeixen a destinacions llunyanes a la recerca de nous amics, cultures diferents i experiĂšncies memorables. PerĂČ, on han d'anar i quĂš han de saber? Se sap que alguns paĂŻsos sĂłn relativament segurs i fĂ cils d'explorar per a les dones que busquen una aventura, amb rutes de motxilles i gent local que facilita l'oportunitat de conĂšixer gent nova o passar una estona de qualitat a soles. Hem fet una llista de nou de les millors destinacions per a dones que viatgen soles i consells Ăștils sobre com mantenir-se segura. 1. Sri Lanka Foto: Sri Lanka La petita illa de Sri Lanka Ă©s com l'Índia en miniatura, perĂČ amb el seu encant Ășnic que la converteix en la primera parada perfecta per a les dones viatgeres que volen explorar el sud d'Àsia. És popular entre els motxillers i tĂ© una mida perfecta per passar una setmana o un mes descobrint paratges (que apareixen a les llistes de patrimoni de la Unesco) com Dambulla i Sigiriya o visitant plantacions de te a Nuwara Eliya. Per relaxar-vos, les platges daurades de la badia d'Arugam, Mirissa i Hikkaduwa ofereixen albergs a molt bon preu davant de la platja, surf i menjar local deliciĂłs. 2. Portugal Foto: Shutterstock Portugal s'ha fet un nom com a una de les millors destinacions de viatge en solitari grĂ cies als nĂČmades digitals que s'hi tra