Jamie Inglis

Jamie Inglis

Senior Designer NA & UK

Articles (2)

Christmas gift guide: for tech-loving Londoners

Christmas gift guide: for tech-loving Londoners

Got a cousin who’s trying to make it big as a Twitch streamer? Can your brother-in-law not stop droning on about drones? From the latest Mario Bros. outing to the latest bluetooth speakers, you’ll find all sorts of nifty gadgets for the tech-obsessed geek in your life right here. Looking for more inspiration? Check out our seriously cool Christmas Gift Guide

23 things you should know before moving to London

23 things you should know before moving to London

I moved to this city in the deep, dark depths of the pandemic. My first flat was, obviously, awful. The landlord was dodgy (shock). It was full of mold. The shower was next to the kitchen and had no door. Still, though, I look back on those days fondly. One rare sunny afternoon we climbed out of my flatmate’s window to sit on the roof, drinking homemade Bloody Marys and blasting the Bad Boy Chiller Crew from a box speaker into the sticky, polluted air of Kingsland Road. We got quite a few glares from passers-by, but also a fair amount of smiles.  Whether you’re moving here for study, work, family, or another reason, your first months in London will be challenging, but you’ll probably look back on them with such fogged-up rose-tinted glasses it will hardly matter anyway. Use this time to meet as many new people as you can and to make mistakes. Be broke, go to M&M world (don’t actually), get lost on the tube. That said, there are some things I wish I’d known before coming here. Hindsight is a blessing, as they say. But we’re not gatekeepers, so we asked Time Out staff to share their top tricks and tips for anyone moving to the capital. Some of these folks have been born and bred here. Others are adopted Londoners, like you might well be one day. Listen up, take note, and good luck.