Sucheta Rawal

Sucheta Rawal

Articles (1)

The most spectacular hot air balloon festivals in the U.S.

The most spectacular hot air balloon festivals in the U.S.

There's something magical about hot air balloons—their bold colors, their graceful ability to float across stunning landscapes, and their spirit of adventure. And there's something even more enchanting about hundreds of them ascending into the sky at once—creating a kaleidoscope of colors and stunning backdrop. These mass ascensions are a hallmark of hot air balloon festivals around the world. In the U.S. alone, many cities host events that bring people together to enjoy the romance and beauty of hot air balloons. From the iconic Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta to lesser-known but equally captivating gatherings like the Chester County Balloon Festival in Pennsylvania, we've compiled the best hot air balloon festivals in the U.S. that will bring you a sense of romance, tranquility and exploration.  RECOMMENDED: The most romantic places in the USA—and they're all in the great outdoors