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Long Chant Meditation ~ A Journey Into The Naad With Mahanraj Kaur “Marcia” | Free


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Long Chant Meditation ~ A Journey into the Naad 3rd Monday of Every Month, 9am in the Unity Room at The Soul of Yoga. oin Mahanraj Kaur “Marcia” for a deep meditative experience as you chant a mantra for 60 minutes. Mantra is the use of sound to affect consciousness; man means mind and trang means wave or projection. Everything in this world, down to the subatomic level, is in constant motion, vibrating. The denser a material, the more slowly it moves; often the vibration is so slow or so fast that we can’t notice it with our direct senses. This vibration is pure energy. In addition to the term ‘mantra,’ you will also hear the word Naad in connection with Kundalini Yoga mantras. Naad means “the essence of all sound.” It is a particular vibration, a fundamental frequency that comes from one common source or sound current. It is the universal code behind language and therefore behind human communication. Naad is the glue or medium that connects the little me, the individual, to the Big Me, the Universal Self. It is the vibrational harmony through which the Infinite can be experienced. Naad Yoga is based on the experience of how sound vibrations affect the body, mind, and spirit through the movementof the tongue, the mouth, and changes in the chemicals in the brain. “Mantras are not small things, mantras have power. They are the mind vibration in relationship to the Cosmos. The science of mantra is based on the knowledge that sound is a form of energy having structure, power, and a definite predictable effect on the chakras and the human psyche.” ~ Yogi Bhajan THIS MONTH our chant selection will invoke experiencing the energy and power of this year 2015. This mantra will protect us and guide our souls projection. The Numerology for this year is 8, Infinity, the Pranic body. It invites us to reap the benefits, to cash in on all our hard collect the Divine Payday. But in order to do that we must have an immense amount of energy and strong caliber of our Soul! The Sutra we are working on this year is the 3rd Aquarian Sutra "When the time is on You, START, and the pressure will be off". This encourages to be steadfast and strong, to stick to our disciplines and keep moving towards our Souls Destiny. Complete Mantra: Aad Guray Nameh, Jugaad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guroo Dayvay Nameh Language: Gurmukhi Source: Sukhmani Sahib (prayer of peace) Author: Guru Arjun Dev Ji, Fifth Guru of the Sikhs Translation: I bow to the primal Guru I bow to the truth that has existed throughout the ages I bow to True Wisdom I bow to the Great Divine Wisdom More Information: This is a mantra of protection and is recited to invoke the protective energy of the universe. Yogi Bhajan taught that this mantra should always be chanted 3 times in a row. This mantra is chanted after tuning in to a class with the Adi Mantra. Many people chant this mantra when they need extra protection. It is part of the "triple mantra", and is often spoken before driving a car to create a protective energy around the those in the car. When you cannot be protected, this mantra shall protect you. When things stop, and won’t move, this makes them move in your direction. - Yogi Bhajan


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