Five places to eat like a local in Barbados

Put the guidebook away – these are the foodie secrets you need to know about

Time Out in association with British Airways


For a true Bajan lunch experience, this unassuming little food van is a must. Dishes like lamb curry and macaroni pie are the pick of a buffet-style set-up, and prices are a fraction of what you’d pay at a nearby resort. The only drawback is that food often runs out, so do as the locals do and turn up early.
Sandy Lane

Granny’s Restaurant

Everyone knows that no one makes it quite like Granny. If you haven’t got a Barbadian grandmother, well... too bad, but rest assured that Granny’s will adopt you as one of its own. If you’re unsure what to order, know that this is one of the few places on the island that serves Barbados’s national dish – coucou and flying fish – every day. Basically, it’d be rude not to.


Cuz’s Fish Stand

A fish cutter – a type of sandwich – from Cuz’s is one of the simple pleasures of visiting Barbados, and something that far too many tourists miss out on. A simple combination of fried fish in salt bread (Bajan hot sauce is optional but expect a disapproving look if you abstain), it makes a perfect companion to a lazy afternoon on Pebbles Beach.

Pebbles Beach

The Square Restaurant

On a diet? You may want to stay away from The Square, where they do whatever it takes to get the maximum possible flavour out of traditional Bajan dishes. Their macaroni pie is the best in the land – just don’t think about the calories. You can walk it off while sightseeing with a Bajan bellyfull and a smile on your face.


R. A. Mapp

Bajans are discerning when it comes to chicken, so the fact that queues at Mapp’s often snake out the door is testament to what’s going on in the kitchen. The food is fairly simple – rotisserie chicken served with chips and salad – but lashings of Bajan seasoning elevates the whole experience to something truly special.

Eagle Hall

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