
Enough is Enough: the campaign calling for real action on the cost-of-living crisis

The movement is backed by trade unionist Mick Lynch and Labour MP Zarah Sultana

Written by
Ellie Muir
Contributing writer

Amid the ongoing cost-of-living crisis in the UK, working people are longing for a new political movement to side with those who are hit the hardest by rising prices, soaring bills and stagnant wages.

Enter Enough is Enough: a campaign launched in response to the worsening crisis in the UK. Trade unions, community organisations and MPs have joined forces in an attempt to ‘win back dignity for working-class people’ as Britain prepares for economic turmoil this winter.

‘If you’re struggling to get by and your wages don’t cover the bills, if you’re fed up working harder for less and you’re worried about the future, or if you just can’t stand to see what’s happening to our country – join us,’ the group says. ‘Enough is enough. It’s time to turn anger into action.’

The campaign group intends to put pressure on the government and big businesses to achieve goals such as increasing workers’ pay and slashing energy bills. Here’s everything we know about the Enough is Enough campaign so far.

What is the Enough is Enough campaign about?

The campaign aims to stave off the worst of the cost-of-living crisis in the UK. Here are its five main goals:

  1. A real pay rise
  2. Slash energy bills
  3. End food poverty
  4. Decent homes for all
  5. Tax the rich and big business

Other more specific aims include introducing universal free school meals, community kitchens and reinstating the £20-a-week universal credit uplift, alongside rent caps and demanding a government commitment to build more than 100,000 public and council houses a year.

The campaign has launched its first public protests over the past few weeks, and it’s encouraging all of its supporters to join them.

Who is supporting the Enough is Enough campaign?

Enough is Enough is backed by Mick Lynch, the general secretary of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers, which organises strike action across the UK’s transport services. Other supporters include Labour MP for Coventry South, Zarah Sultana, and Ian Byrne, the Labour MP for Liverpool and West Derby. When the campaign launched in August, 150,000 people signed up to support the campaign in a matter of days, showing that the demand for a campaign of this type is considered to be much-needed by many.

Other supporters include the Communication Workers Union, ACORN Union, the Right To Food Campaign and more.

What about the Enough is Enough protests?

On October 1, Enough is Enough launched its biggest protest yet, with 50 demonstrations taking place on the same day in cities including Manchester, Luton, Liverpool, Glasgow, Cardiff and Portsmouth. More are in the works, but there are no set dates yet.

How do I join the Enough is Enough campaign?

It’s simple: if you agree with the five demands made by the campaign, all you need to do is go to the Enough is Enough website and sign their petition with your name, email, postcode and mobile number. You’ll then be kept up to date as the campaign evolves and be notified when protests are planned.

Another campaign, Don’t Pay UK, which launched in July, is demanding a cut to energy bills. It wants to get at least a million people to pledge not to pay their energy bills.

The group is confident that strength will come in numbers – so the more people who join, the better protected protesters will be. Want to find out more? Read all about the campaign on its website.

ICYMI: here’s how to claim your £400 energy bill discount from the government.

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