
This remote Scottish island is being taken over by feral cats

A feral colony has descended on Barra in the Outer Hebrides

Annie McNamee
Written by
Annie McNamee
Contributor, Time Out London and UK
Stray cats on an island
Photograph: Shutterstock

The cats are coming. There’s nothing we can do.

The people of Barra are currently learning this lesson the hard way. A small colony of at least 20 feral cats has descended upon the island in the Hebrides, and some are worried that without intervention their ranks will only continue to grow – until they outnumber the Barra humans ten to one and can finally begin their cat-regime. 

The cats are thought to be descendants of ‘barn cats’, who were kept to prey on mice and rats. But now that there are too many cats and not enough rodents, experts worry that the feline predators might start going after local birds and put the natural ecosystem off-balance. 

One charity, Western Isles Support for Cats and Kittens (WISCK), has taken it upon itself to lead the battle against the feral beasts, and is attempting to trap the cats. After they’ve been caught, the kitties will be taken to the larger islands of Stornoway and Lewis where they can be checked by vets and neutered before being returned to their homeland without the ability to add to their ranks.

Karen Cowan, who works for the charity, explained to the BBC: ‘The breeding season for feral cats is April to September, depending on the weather and how well fed they are. Their number could triple by next winter.’ 

As of right now, the cats and humans peacefully cohabit Barra. Hopefully WISCK will succeed in its mission, but if you see ‘Island in Scotland now run entirely by cats’ in the news in five years time, don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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