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Best of NY Foursquare leaderboard

Earn your King of New York badge by following TONY on Foursquare and checking in to our picks on the Best of NY list. Mark a tip as done and you'll get a point on our leaderboard!


We'll pay fealty by featuring the three people with the most points in the magazine each week. Check the leaderboard for the top contenders and find out where you rank by searching with your Twitter handle in the Find me box below. (Your Twitter and Foursquare accounts must be linked. How to do that.) Remember, to make it onto our leaderboard, you need to follow TONY on Foursquare and mark a tip on our Best of NY list as done. Now go get 'em, tiger!

Flying under the radar? We get it. E-mail to make sure you're not featured in print.

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