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See how easy it is to wing it with the Booking Now app

Find the perfect hotel room in mere minutes with the Booking Now app from

By Time Out in association with

Booking your dream vacation destination doesn’t have to take a whole afternoon of laptop-hurling frustration. It’s a snap to plan a trip with the app, but if you’re feeling spontaneous, you can also use the Booking Now app from to find the best hotel rooms nearest to you, wherever you are. Your search uses your location to find the perfect room nearby based on your preferences—just one tap can show you the best rates at nearby hotels for that night. Sync plans between your phone, computer and tablet, then save confirmation details offline on your phone so you don’t need the Internet or a printer when you arrive. You can also change your plans while you’re already on your trip and use the app’s maps to find where you’ve booked. The Booking Now app is available now on IOS and will be launching on Android towards the end of July. Want to know more? Watch a demo of the app to see how it works!

The app is in the palm of your hand for when you need accommodation for a later date. Download it now.

Download the Booking Now app from the Apple App Store now

Download the app from the Apple App Store now

Download the app from the Android Google Play Store now

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