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We had a truly Maradonian experience and here’s the story

Maradona (10), the first official restaurant of Diego Maradona, hosted an event to remember the football legend and we were there.

Diego Valentino Mollo
Written by
Diego Valentino Mollo

Maradona (10), the official restaurant of Diego Armando Maradona, held an event in collaboration with Bodega Yacochuya to honor "El Pelusa," who passed away in November 2020. Three very important people in the life of "El Diez" were present: fitness coach Fernando Signorini, sports journalist Daniel Arcucci, and Diego's brother, Lalo Maradona. They all shared their best anecdotes about the eternal idol (and we're here to tell you all about them).

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Located in the Belgrano neighborhood, the first official restaurant of "El Diez," with its iconic decor, constantly reminds us of "El Pelusa." Indeed, Diego's essence is transmitted in every mural, painting, jersey, and even in the waiters who serve wearing the number 10 jersey.

In collaboration with Bodega Yacochuya, the restaurant hosted an event to pay tribute to Maradona, and we were present. The menu featured five courses, each paired with a glass of wine from the Salta-based winery. Eusebio Lecounda delighted us with his guitar and led the wine tasting.

As the first course, we tasted a Provoleta Cebollitas, which is named after the first team Diego played for when he was just 10 years old. Paired with a glass of Coquena Torrontés, the provoleta with a hint of tomato sauce did not disappoint and set the stage for a delightful dining experience.

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The second course was braised meat croquettes called De un Pie a Otro, which we could say is a must-try dish if you visit the place. Delicious! We paired them with a glass of Coquena Rosado, which had a rich fruity flavor.

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By now, we were warmed up and enjoyed the third course, the same dish the World Cup champions ate in the Mexico World Cup: some tasty Mollejas 86´. You can imagine why the dish is named that... With a bit of spiciness in true Mexican style (another nod to the world title), this offal dish never fails. The wine was a San Pedro Tinto.

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The main course arrived, and while Lalo Maradona shared stories of how Doña Tota, Diego and Lalo's mother, used to prepare meals, we were served a beef short rib with mashed potatoes in her honor. Lalo also recounted that Sundays were barbecue days prepared by their father, who would start the fire early but serve the meal when Diego woke up, which could easily be at 2 PM. We paired this dish with a glass of Yacochuya, a classic red wine from the winery.

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To conclude this unique experience in the best way, dessert was a bitter chocolate ice cream called Batalla del Bernabéu. As you might guess, it references the time Diego fought in that stadium while wearing the Barcelona jersey. The final glass was a delicious sweet wine called Miskilas.

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Undoubtedly, it was an unforgettable night that we recommend experiencing if you're a football and Diego fan. It should be noted that this was a public event and there will be more like it in the future, so don't forget to follow the restaurant on social media and stay tuned.

Time Out

Where: Juramento 1700, Belgrano.

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