The internet interviews Ray Winstone

People ask Google a lot of questions about veteran London actor Ray Winstone, but does it come up with the right answers? We put them to him ourselves


Is Ray Winstone a gangster?
‘No. I’ll plead the fifth on that one.’

What car does Ray Winstone drive?
‘A gangster car. A Jaguar XKR that I’ve had for 13 years. It’s the old E-Type shape and I love it. If I tried to sell it now, you know how much I’d get for it? Zilch. But it’s my baby. I’m not a car fanatic, but I love that motor.’

Where does Ray Winstone live?
‘Essex, but I was born in Hackney Hospital and brought up in Plaistow in the East End. When I was a kid, Plaistow was Essex, but then someone came up with a great idea of turning all the counties around and making it Newham. Some fucking idiot who cost a lot of money: that’s money tipped down the toilet.’

Does Ray Winstone have tattoos?
‘No, that’s not my generation. I think my daughters have got little ones, though. They wouldn’t tell me, but I found out and went berserk. I actually wanted to find the tattooist and kill him for scarring my daughters.’

Does Ray Winstone die in ‘Scum’?
‘No. I don’t know what happens to that character. He probably ends up in prison for a long, long time that boy, because he won’t let the system beat him. There’s a few people who go into prison for maybe four or five years, try to fight the system and end up doing 15 years. I think he’s going to be there for a while.’

Is Ray Winstone on Twitter?
‘No. Don’t agree with it, don’t like it. It causes aggravation, and I’ve got enough friends. Why would I want to talk to someone I’ve never met? I don’t need thousands of friends. Two or three would do me.’

Does Ray Winstone smoke?
‘I don’t like it but I do. I started at 26, on a film. I should sue ’em. I mean, how many things can you give up? I bought one of those false ones, just to have a go, and I put the oil in the wrong end. I puffed on it and all the oil went in my mouth. It’s like I was destined to not give up. But I think I will have another bang on it.’

What age is Ray Winstone?
‘I’m 57. Lucky number. Well, my lucky number is 13, but 57 is good. It says 57 on a tin of baked beans.’

Where does Ray Winstone drink?
‘In my local. Or sometimes I go up and have a drink in Mayfair. But I like to drink in the City too: I’ve got some friends there. So if I’ve got nothing to do I go up there and have a little day in the City. I like the City, there are still some proper pubs there, thank God. Don’t know how long for. Otherwise I have a drink in the country. I’m a country boy now.’

Is Ray Winstone in ‘Quadrophenia’?
‘Yeah. I look like Liberace: I got a big haircut.’

Noah’ opens in UK cinemas on Fri Apr 4.

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‘Black Swan’ and ‘Requiem for a Dream’ director Darren Aronofsky’s big-ticket retelling of the Old Testament story, with an oh-so-serious Russell Crowe playing Noah, is stupid but train-wreck fascinating. Your jaw will drop early and often – right from the opening dream sequence during which Man’s fall from grace in the Garden of Eden is presented complete with a hilarious digital snake.

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