Joz ve Loz
© Noa Ben Shalom
  • Restaurants | Israeli
  • price 3 of 4
  • Florentine

Joz ve Loz

More than 15 years after its inception, Joz ve Loz offers a crowded saloon ambiance with occasional piano performances, literary gatherings and bohemian crowd.


Time Out says

Under the passionate direction of Chef Noa Levi, the daily menu is a celebration of tastes and textures. With Levi’s accurate and creative sense of the raw and the cooked, one can indulge in either rich stews or sparkling salads, Mediterranean sea-food or traditional Moroccan Shabbat dish - all based on the various cuisines & cultures found here in Israel. In 1998, Orit Revivo, then a radio broadcaster, and Alma Fogiel, then a film student, met in Jerusalem where they  opened their first restaurant. To much success they then moved to Tel Aviv, their current home, Stop by this special spot for beautiful food in a gorgeous setting.


5 Gvulot Street
Tel Aviv
Opening hours:
Seven days a week 18:30 to 00:00
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