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3 Tel Aviv surf spots to learn how to ride that wave

Here’s a few local spots where you can learn to drop in, wipe out and...well...wait for those waves. Patiently.


Board Education

Aloha Surf School

Maayan Slama and Yoav Sagher, owners of Aloha, wear their smiles as tight as their wetsuits. Based near the Jaffa Clock Tower and Maaravi Beach, the school stands out among the other Jaffa-based schools for their positive attitude, small and intimate group lessons, and daily wave updates. Come drink a coffee or tea, relax with other newbies and soak in the feelgood vibes.

5 Yonatan Ratosh St, Jaffa .054-9400815. FB page

TopSea Surf Center

Run by Nir Almog’s (from Intersurf) brother, Orian, and named after their father, TopSea has been around since 1957, making it the first and longest running surf school in Tel Aviv. Located near Hilton Beach and number of other breaks, swing by their store to check out the variety of options available and experience a piece of Israeli surf history.

Kikar Atarim, Tel Aviv .050-4329001. FB page


Galim Surf School

One of the better known surf schools across Israel, Galim is a good option for everyone, from singles to families and even to those wanting to (*gulp*) try SUPing. While they used to be located at the Dolphinarium, recent construction has moved them north to Gordon beach, but you can also visit their other branches in Ashkelon, Beit Yanai or Neurim.

145 HaYarkon St, Tel Aviv, .03-5175557. FB page

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