In 1964, six children and a young mother perished in a fire at this former three-residence property. Over the years, museumgoers have reported a host of creepy happenings: a smell of ash lingering in the basement, toys flying off the shelves, the sensation of having one’s clothes or hair tugged, and even a phantom feline.
Spooky season is well underway, and the Big Apple is ready to terrify. New York City is packed with sinister secrets, trapped souls, and macabre stories, enough to keep real-life Ghostbusters in business for a lifetime. The most haunted places in New York are guaranteed to stand hairs on end and keep visitors awake for the foreseeable future.
But, dear reader, be aware; there are no fairy tales here, only ghost hunts and real-life stories of murder, greed, and insanity. For the record, there is plenty of murderous greed and greedy insanity. Are you looking for the most haunted places in New York? Be careful what you wish for.
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