
Bali is planning to ban tourists from renting motorbikes

If you had ‘motorbiking around Bali’ on your bucket list, you might want to cross it out

Beril Naz Hassan
Written by
Beril Naz Hassan
Writer, Time Out Travel
Scooters in Bali
Photograph: Shutterstock

Picture the scene: you’re scootering across the beautiful island of Bali, enjoying the wind in your hair and the sun on your skin. Well, that image is going to have to stay in your head, we’re afraid. The governor of Bali has announced plans to ban tourists from renting motorbikes, making your Bali biking dreams a thing of the past.

Biking around the Island of Gods is arguably the most popular method of transportation for tourists and is one of Bali’s best things to do. But, if the governor's plans work out, visitors will be expected to use cars for travel. Governor Koster explained that foreigners have been riding motorcycles without the valid paperwork and necessary helmets, driving recklessly.

The Indonesian government also want to crack down on illegal workers, which could potentially impact digital nomads. The planned rules will target those who use fake Indonesian IDs or abuse their residence and work visas.

These planned laws aren't the only controversial legal developments in the nation. Recently, Indonesia announced new laws that will mean unmarried couples are no longer allowed to cohabitate or have sex. While it looks like foreign residents and tourists will not be subject to the guidelines, the new restrictions have received a lot of criticism. 

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