
Can you guess the iconic world landmark from the one-star TripAdvisor review?

No beloved tourist attraction is safe from the keyboard warriors

Ed Cunningham
Written by
Ed Cunningham
News Editor, Time Out UK and Time Out London
Buckingham Palace with tourists
Photograph: David Steele /

TripAdvisor recently announced that it has now had more than one billion reviews posted on its site. That’s right: one billion. That’s a hell of a lot of people with something important (or something they think is important) to say.

That landmark reminded us of one of our favourite pastimes: reading one-star TripAdvisor reviews. The site’s negative reviews section is a gold mine for top-drawer hilarity. No attraction is safe from getting slammed by some unimpressed tourist, keyboard comedian or self-righteous dickhead. The best ones, we find, are where you don’t really know if they’re genuine or not. 

Below we’ve created a quiz featuring some of our favourite one-star reviews – but can you guess which iconic world landmark they’re talking about?

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