
This clever tool will tell you how much your job would pay in every country

The calculator shows exactly how much cash you could earn doing the same job elsewhere

Sophie Dickinson
Written by
Sophie Dickinson
Freelance contributor
Office scene
Photograph: Shutterstock

Over the past couple of years, moving abroad has started to look seriously tempting. Sick of rubbish weather and shitty landlords? Head somewhere else and start a whole new life.

One of the big concerns, though, is how much you’d actually earn. Well, help is now at hand: this clever tool from insurance firm William Russell shows how much cash you could make while working the same job abroad. It compares the average salaries of major professions across the 38 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries.

The results are pretty interesting, too. Switzerland has the highest cost of living, but also the highest salaries. In Turkey, it’s the inverse. Let’s say you’re a teacher: in the UK, the average salary is £32,715 ($42,784). In the US, it’s £38,498 ($50,347), in Germany it’s £42,462 ($55,531) and in Australia it’s £44,603 ($58,331). Conversely, Poland is at the lower end of the scale with an average salary of £8,897 ($11,635), and Turkey is right at the bottom with £3,360 ($4,394).

Work as a waiter? In Greece you’d likely earn around £8,061 ($10,542), or you could earn £13,219 ($17,287) in Japan. At the top of the list is Switzerland with an average salary of £39,127 ($51,170). All this can be cross-referenced with the cost of living, too, so you can properly work out which country would be best to live in.

So, looking to make a move? You can play around with the tool here, and our list of cheapest cities to live in the world might help with that, too. Time to start planning that new life overseas.

Got five minutes to spare? Want to tell us what life is like in your city? Take the Time Out Index survey here. 

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