
This virtual exhibition explores the history of cats in art

Huw Oliver
Written by
Huw Oliver
UK Editor

One of the world’s most unusual museums is Amsterdam’s Kattenkabinet: a grand, privately owned canal house filled to the whiskers with paintings, posters and sculptures of cats. You can’t visit that right now, but we’re purr-leased to announce that there’s now a very cool digital alternative for those who love both cats and art. (In other words, those with very refined tastes.)

The Universal Museum of Art’s latest virtual exhibition looks at the representation of felines in art history, through 75 works from ancient Egypt to the present day. We can confirm that pretty much every cat depicted is either incredibly fluffy and cute, or impossibly dainty and elegant.

Cats in Art History VR exhibition
Cats in Art History VR exhibitionImage: UMA

Spread across four rooms of a fictional, computer-generated Parisian mansion, the exhibition takes in everything from the hard-to-spot feline enigma in Manet’s ‘Olympia’ to the beautifully poised creatures depicted by Renoir, Delacroix and Courbet. The only blip on the species’ angelic image is the drunk kitty rolling around in Veronese’s ‘The Wedding at Cana’. But we can’t be all purr-fect, can we?

Check out the ‘Cats in Art History’ virtual exhibition now.

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